
Chapter One :Chapter 1

Longshan Park is the largest mausoleum in the provincial capital of Tianlong Province.

It was drizzling on the last day of August.

At eight in the morning, more than twenty military and police officers, as well as a dozen people in plain clothes with white flowers on their chests, were paying a silent tribute in front of a newly built fortune spot.

A black ash box was solemnly placed in the spiritual position.

Next to it, a TV station reporter was quietly and seriously giving a commentary.

"This is the biggest drug case cracked in nearly a decade..."

"Today, the hero who sacrificed in the process of arresting the criminal suspect will rest in peace..."

The atmosphere in the room was solemn, everyone's eyes were red-rimmed, and a few female police officers kept wiping the corners of their eyes, weeping quietly.

The man in the lead, over fifty, in military uniform, with a star on his shoulder, stood at the front of the crowd. His gaze swept over the tombstone, on which was engraved a name––Gaoyang.

But the middle-aged man was muttering name after name in a low voice.

"Old Guo, Little Zeng, Ertao... travel well!”

To utter these names seemed to drain all his strength. He was shaken with old tears, clenching his teeth, his body trembling slightly.

He was the chief commander of this joint military and police operation. To ensure the success of the operation, he assembled a top-notch special forces team to lead the assault.

This batch of soldiers, whom he brought up single-handedly as the kings of the army, were like precious treasures to him. In the final battle, however, three of them were bravely sacrificed. How could he not be heartbroken?

The heroes in the fight against drugs have no tombstones. The place where they eternally rest will forever remain a secret. If one were to open the urn, they would find neatly folded national flag inside.

The funeral is merely symbolic, serving as a place for mourners to express their sorrow.

As the ceremony neared its end, the old general clutched his military cap and croaked, "Salute!"

The officers and soldiers present uniformly raised their right hands and saluted towards the tombstone.

The somber sky was rarely interrupted by a muffled rumble of thunder.

Thirty meters away, amid the shrubbery, stood a young man.

He appeared to be in his early twenties, about 185 cm tall, with clearly defined facial features and his tearful peach blossom eyes were red.

He stood at attention, chest held high, looking straight ahead with the rain falling on his face, he maintained the standard military salute.

"Brothers, I apologize that I couldn't see you off in person!" He bit his lip, tears streaming down his face.

His name was Gao Yang, one of the ten special forces troops who participated in the operation. It was his name engraved on the tombstone.

The fallen comrades who truly sacrificed their lives could not be named, yet he who survived must represent his comrades in mourning.

Gao Yang's feelings were incredibly complex.

"Why was it me, Ruo Zhen?" Gao Yang asked the woman beside him after calming his emotions.

The woman was in her early twenties, with a height of 170 cm. Her figure was voluptuous with notably curvy features, even the large military uniform couldn't hide her endowed physical attributes.

With short hair and fair skin as white as snow.

A classy nose, light brown irises, and deep-set eyebrows carried a hint of exotic charm that set hearts aflutter.

Her look was impressive enough to cause a traffic jam if she were to be flung onto the street.

Yet Gaoyang was unmoved by her beauty.

The girl known as Ruozhen gently wiped the tear streaks off his face in a natural way, whispering, "You alone killed twenty-four of them. You're the one those lunatics hated the most. Being able to convince them of your death through a single news clip is a big win."

"Is it that simple?" Gaoyang drew in a deep breath, then slowly asked,

"Actually... there is a new mission!" Ruozhen bit her lip as she took out a file bag, yet she was clutching onto it without any intention to hand it over to Gaoyang.

Gaoyang furrowed his brows, asking, "What's the matter?"

The girl's face was filled with a lingering melancholy. "Are you sure you want to take this on?"

Gaoyang tousled her hair, laughing, "My opinion is not important, the primary duty of a soldier is to obey commands!"

Ruozhen sighed, passing the file bag over to Gaoyang, and spoke word by word, "The mission this time is to personally protect the president of the East Sea Shengnian Group, Li Miaofei, and the patent she holds."

"However… everything will be conducted in your own name. All actions during the mission will be your responsibility, and the military will not endorse you in any way.”

Gaoyang was taken aback for a second, but then he understood.

With a bitter smile, he asked, "So I would have to take off my military uniform if I take this mission, right?"

"Yes!" Ruozhen's eyes were slightly red. She knew how much Gaoyang loved that uniform.

"Gaoyang, he really feels for you guys." Ruozhen whispered softly.

"You pity our sacrifices…so you want me to take off my military uniform and stay away from the battlefield?" Gao Yang murmured to himself, a complex feeling brewing in his heart.

"Your acceptance of this mission is also a kind of sacrifice!" Ruozhen stated solemnly.

Looking at his weather-beaten face, Ruozhen reflected.

In her eyes, this man was a definitive anomaly.

Gao Yang was born into a very affluent family, he could have settled for a life of idleness being a third-generation heir. But instead, he threw himself into the army, constantly living on the edge.

While his childhood friends were making money through dishonest means, Gao Yang was already schlepping a sniper rifle, into deep mountains and dense forests to deal with all sorts of evil characters

Gao Yang bowed his head in silence for a long time. He looked back at the middle-aged general in the distance, grabbed the file bag, and said seriously, "Very well, please tell the higher-ups I guarantee to complete..."

Halfway through the sentence, Gao Yang suddenly came to his senses, laughed bitterly and said, "I misspoke, this is my own business."

"If that's the case, Comrade Gao Yang, I'll need your credentials!" Ruozhen composed herself and said gravely.

Thin strands of rain landed on Gao Yang's forehead and face. He took his military credentials out of his briefcase, glanced at them, then carefully wiped the cover dry and solemnly handed them to Ruozhen.

"Your grandfather…He hopes that when you get a chance, you can return to Beijing to see him," the girl said softly.

Gao Yang nodded and replied, "I will give him a call."

A hint of helplessness leaked through his words, at which the girl fell silent as well.

Hardships are part of every family's life, and Gao Yang was no exception, despite his impressive background.

Suddenly, Ruozhen extended her arms, a smile on her face. "I've completed my mission too. How about a farewell hug?"

Gao Yang chuckled lightly, "Based on what kind of feelings?"

Ruo Zhen's face turned red abruptly and her eyes sparkled brightly, "Although we are no longer comrades, we are still friends. I hope that one day, our relationship can advance further!"

This was practically a confession.

Looking at the girl's passionate eyes, Gao Yang shrugged, "If your admirers in Jing City hear this, I may be in trouble!"

"Have you ever been afraid?" Ruo Zhen retorted.

"Seems...not!" Gao Yang smiled freely, opened his arms, and gently hugged Ruo Zhen, whispering in her ear, "Take care!".

"You too!" she suddenly kissed Gao Yang on the cheek, released him, smiled sweetly, and saluted with her hand.

Gao Yang stood at attention, returned the salute, and turned to leave without looking back.


The Shen River cuts across the East Sea and pours into the ocean.

On both sides of the river bank are the most prosperous commercial districts of the East Sea.

Gao Yang pushed open the door of a cafe named "Feike". According to the plan, today he will meet with the person he's protecting, the General Manager of Donghai Prosperous Year Company - one of the four beauties of Donghai, Li Miaofei, to discuss specific work matters.

To be honest, Gao Yang didn't understand why the work briefing had to be done in a café, but he thought it best to accommodate his client's preference.

ShengNian Group was attracting attention due to its size and many exclusive patents under its name. The patents had caught the attention of a wide range of interested parties, especially a few that had been the focus of concentrated efforts, causing great envy.

Li Miaofei, the only daughter of the founder of ShengNian Group Li HaoAn, and the true researcher and developer behind those key patents. She was the person Gao Yang was assigned to protect.

The agreed-upon meeting point was on the second floor, but as Gao Yang reached the staircase turn he was blocked by two men in black.

"Apologies sir, the second floor is not open to the public!" The man in black spoke brusquely, with a haughty expression.

"My name is Gao Yang, I'm here to see Li Miaofei!" Gao Yang replied nonchalantly.

The men in black glanced at each other, one of them stating, "For Boss Li's safety, we need to conduct a routine check."

As he spoke, he reached out to touch Gao Yang's waist.

Gao Yang chuckled lightly, suddenly taking a step forward, pinning both men's arms to his sides, he turned half a circle and suddenly let go.

Both men in black instantly lost their balance and smacked directly into the wall.

Gao Yang ascended a few steps, from a higher position he indifferently said, "If I really wanted to do something bad, no one could stop me."

The two men in black, dizzy from the impact, could only watch as Gao Yang moved on to the second floor.

There, by the window, two long-haired women occupied the seats. Their faces, however, were all turned towards the window.

Both women sat in nearly the same posture, a hand supporting their chin.

However, their clothing was entirely different.

One woman was wearing a fiery red trench coat, her voluptuous figure particularly eye-catching. The other was dressed in a plain, demure dress.

Off to the side of the table, a woman in work clothes stood at attention.

The woman was a typical southern beauty, petite and delicate, her eyebrows and eyes expressing a gentle beauty, but her tone was notably stern.

"Mr. Gaoyang, you are five minutes late than the agreed time, please explain to Mr. Li!" the girl said with a stern face.

Looking at her, it seemed that she plays some kind of secretarial role.

Gaoyang looked at the two girls with sullen faces and said indifferently, "First, you have to tell me which one is Mr. Li?"

"I am Li Miaofei!" The woman in red slowly turned her head.

A light flashed in Gaoyang's eyes.

There's a saying that if she's hot or not, you should look at her waist.

From Gaoyang's viewing angle, he had a perfect view of the woman's waistline, which started to narrow from two-thirds down her back and then smoothly transitioned downwards, after which the curve began to become fuller.

In layman’s terms, this kind of figure makes one 'have evil thoughts from behind'.

The opponent's red coat housed a white tight-fitting shirt, tightly stretched over her beautiful frame, with compelling curves.

The woman in red, with a heavy Western style, had deep features and excessively dramatic makeup; thick eyeliner and eyeshadow, false eyelashes that seemed to be reaching for the sky, and especially the juicy lips. She used a lipstick of a shade that Gaoyang could not name, which looked blood red, quite intimidating at first sight.

Well, this was the classic case of 'wanting to retreat after looking from the front'.

Perhaps this woman was naturally beautiful, but her makeup was just too overwhelming for Gaoyang.

The woman in red scrutinised Gaoyang thoroughly several times, particularly lingering on his attractive 'peach blossom' eyes, then nodded, "Not bad, not bad, I like it!"

Gaoyang frowned. Were all rich girls like this nowadays? Casually judging a man from head to toe?

However, he thought better about commenting. Since he was entrusted with a task, it is best to not cause trouble.

"Handsome guy, want to make a new friend?" The lady in red walked over, her figure graceful and alluring as she smiled.

Gao Yang glanced at the other woman and chuckled, "Is this a bit over the top for an opening scene?"

The lady in red's face fell immediately, and she turned to the woman in white, "Miaofei, this guy isn't much fun. I'm leaving now, I have a flight to catch!"

The woman in plain clothing reprimanded gently, "I told you not to mess around. Just go... Xiao Mei, wait a second, would you remove that terrifying makeup of yours?"

The lady in red placed her hands on her hips, her eyes slanted as she looked at Gao Yang, "After all the time I spent applying this makeup and it didn't even scare you! Boring, I'm leaving!" She said, swaying her captivating figure as she departed the second floor.

Gao Yang was at a loss, he had just arrived and had already been played!

The woman in ordinary clothing must be Li Miaofei, and she seemed quite hard to get along with.

First, there was a bodyguard at the stairs, and then her friend pretending to be someone else. What kind of game was she playing?

The woman adorned in the plain dress slowly turned her face. She was Li Miaofei.

This was the first time Gao Yang had met this remarkable woman who obtained a master's degree in medical science from Stanford at the age of twenty-one.

He felt a bit dizzy.

Who says only ugly women strive hard in their studies?

Who says beautiful women are all dumb?

Who says the only female doctoral students are spinsters?

Gao Yang really wanted to drag out those disseminating such ludicrous ideas and beat them into idiocy.

He had seen his fair share of beautiful women, but he couldn't deny that Li Miaofei had a unique aura.

Perhaps that was the reason why there were no pictures of her in the information he received.

"What a... surprise!" Gao Yang muttered under his breath.

Amidst her soft locks, there was a face untouched by makeup. Li Miaofei's features might not take one's breath away, but they fulfilled every man's beautiful imagination of their first love.

She was like a freshman girl holding her textbooks, walking along a shady path to attend a self-study session. A fleeting glimpse of her would forever be etched in a man's dreams, repeated countless times.

The beauty of Li Miaofei was like cherished wine stored deep in a cellar. Over the years, it would make every man regret why they didn't express their feelings back then.

A man's first love is like a utility pole in his heart. You might walk around it, but it's always there, never fading away.

At this moment, a profound realization surged within Gao Yang. He feared that he wouldn't be able to erase Li Miaofei's face from his memory.

This had nothing to do with liking or not, it was simply an irresistible instinct of the male species.

It could be seen as cowardice, but it was very real.

Li Miaofei's oval face was the definition of perfection, her features seemed like ageless glaciers, two beautiful phoenix eyes livened up the entire face.

"So, Mr. Gao Yang, how did you discern that Xiao Mei was not me?" Li Miaofei asked indifferently.

"Your secretary only looked at you, not her, also, her enthusiasm in coming up straight to me was... quite frightening. It certainly isn't in line with today's atmosphere!"

"Good analysis, but Mr. Gao Yang, you are not punctual!" Li Miaofei's voice sounded cold.

"Traffic jam!" Gao Yang shrugged, the shock from their initial encounter gradually fading away.

"Okay!" Li Miaofei slightly furrowed her brows, "This issue is now behind us."

Li Miaofei stood up from the table, her eyebrows pinched together and said, "Normally this kind of problem could be solved just by meeting in the office, but I chose a café out of respect for my father's opinion. Little Mei meant no harm, but Mr. Gao, you mustn't think I am hinting at anything!"

Li Miaofei brushed her hair off to the side of her face, looking at Gao Yang with her clear eyes, exuding boundless charm.

"Hinting?" Gao Yang furrowed his brows.

Li Miaofei continued without any expression, "To put it simply, your image is not bad, and I've read your resume, it's fine. But I'm not particularly interested in you."

Gao Yang was completely puzzled, "What does this have to do with my image?"

"Do not interrupt me." Miaofei impatiently waved her hand, "I’m just not attracted to you."

Gao Yang couldn't hold back his anger at this point. "Miss Li Miaofei, do you understand the concept of respect?"

Gao Yang was so fed up. His holiday had been ruined, all just to become your bodyguard, and now you're finding fault with me. If it wasn't for my military discipline, I wouldn’t bother with you at all; you pick and choose as if I'm your servant.

Li Miaofei simply shrugged her shoulders, her gestures filled with a definite Western air, "Bluntness is respect, and I honestly, simply do not have feelings for you."

Gao Yang found this woman utterly unreasonable, but his complicated experiences have long shaped him into a mature man.

Gao Yang took a deep breath, looked into Li Miaofei's eyes and said seriously: "I'm also aware of the trouble your company is facing, and I fear it is not as simple as you think. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have accepted the task at hand…"

The beautiful woman spoke with slight disappointment, "Judging from my father's descriptions, I thought you would be somewhat different. But now it appears, you are no different from those who insistently harass me."

"Miss Li Miaofei," Gao Yang straightened his back and said solemnly, "I believe you have a problem with emotional intelligence."

Since the other party has already spoken like this, continuing the conversation would be pointless.

Fei Li didn't get mad, only smiled faintly: "That remark had a bit of creativity."

Yang Gao retorts, "Your way of thinking is more creative."

"Continue!" Fei Li folded her arms in front of her, assuming a defensive position.

"What I am about to say, are you sure you understand?" Yang Gao asked.

"I certainly understand!" answered Fei Li.

"How can such matters be deduced by mere feelings?" Yang Gao was fed up. Hiring a bodyguard based on looks, was this the consequence of high intelligence? Just because a bodyguard is handsome and pleasing to the eye, does it guarantee your safety?

"If not by feelings for such things, then what should feelings be used for?" Fei Li raised her eyebrows, captivatingly beautiful.

Yang Gao was utterly furious: "Young lady, I took a two-hour flight from Tianlong Province, and then was stuck in East Sea traffic for an hour and a half to get here, do you think I have come for a blind date?"

"Then what?" Li Fei slammed the table, her brows pinched, "What do you think we're doing here?"

Li Fei was in the prime of her life, a woman's most beautiful stage. Her pretty nose, red and soft lips, bright eyes could comprehend everything. Even in anger, her beauty was undeniable.

However, Yang Gao, a special soldier, top secret agent, veteran spy, martial arts expert, and a person who stayed calm even when the sky was falling in, completely overlooked her beauty. At that moment, his mind was buzzing.

"Blind date?"

Yang Gao's mouth twitched, and for the first time, he swore: "F***, a blind date?"

"Keep pretending!" said Fei Li.

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